We Build Businesses...
Invest in Assets
and Develop Creative Properties
This Detroit, MI. based company started as an idea rooted in Real Estate... but that died early when the market crashed years ago. As it turns out, that crash was a blessing for us!
Although it did not seem like it at first... because we lost everything... it made us rethink our strategy. As such, our mentality had to expand to embrace a simple concept...
What does this mean?
It means that you don't build merely for wealth generation, you build so that the walls of your reality don't come tumbling down when you lose in one area of business.
With this in mind... a diversified plan was drawn up by the owner... C.F. Hutton... and we have been on that path ever since we relaunched in the 1st quarter of 2017!
Plan Evolution
What we've become in the afterlife...
Change is challenging for everyone. But it's even more challenging when you have to recover from a disaster with renewed focus. It was, and still is, our idea to make sure that we employ systems over people, and then people, to manage the systems. As such, we had to navigate this new ship in strategic Phases...
Phase I
The Web Development Plan
During our launch, it was decided by the owner, to service Small Businesses by helping them stay relevant with the changing tide of Commerce with eCommerce being of key focus. Unfortunately, we found that our efforts led to Startups, that didn't have a vision for what their presence would or even could be online. As such..., we changed our focus slightly...
Phase II
Advertising, Marketing, & Consulting
While it was always the plan to move into Marketing & Promotions, given the owner's extensive background in this field, it became painfully obvious that we should focus more on this area of business than Web Development. We started to run into many clients that worked with us based on our rock bottom prices, and not because they had a solid vision of what they wanted nor how to maintain it. As such we found ourselves developing original content along with strategic plans for so-called "web development" clients which is far more time-consuming and more on the BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT side than we wanted to be. You can't consult clients on business development when your initial service provision was for WEB CREATION. Consequently, our service execution was not reflective of our pricing. So again we had to adjust...
Phase III
Where we are TODAY!
We created our subsidiary brand Yoriche Media with the focus of erecting our own in-house projects while segregating our Web Development offerings to the public at large. We NOW pick & choose our clients and approach them with solutions, as well as erect strategic ad campaigns to attract our ideal customers... with the intent of solidifying a lasting relationship based on establishing Advertising & Marketing contracts. YM also allows us to focus on our own Creative Media Projects as well as free us up to make our return to Real Estate with a BRAND NEW APPROACH! We are also launching New Products (both physical & digital), and making other strategic investments that will assist us in developing the future... for our village... and BEYOND!
Yoriche Media
Our Advertising, Marketing & Media Development Unit

Unbeknownst to many... this Media Production development unit has been the lifelong ambition of the owner. He began writing & drawing when he was in grade school. When his educators noticed his early interests in creative expressions which include, but are not limited to, a profound interest in Music, Film & The Arts.
At the age of 11, his Uncle purchased one(1) ©Technics belt-driven turntable, along with a 4-channel Mixer for him to develop his DJing interests. He had been playing around with mixing music by creating mixtapes on his tape deck boom box which had a slide-out turntable. Even with this limited equipment, he was able to start mixing with household records and music he recorded straight from the radio. It was later, after he received that gift from his Uncle, that he was able to do more with vinyl records and tapes.
This effort expanded when he received a 2nd identical ©Technics turntable six months later for his birthday along with a new mixer. If you know anything about the art of DJing, then you know that belt-driven turntables are not the proper equipment for the trade. And yet, he persisted until he mastered his craft the best way he could, using innovative techniques that would assist him in creating the "direct-drive" turntable experience using his equipment.
The same year his mother purchased a drafting table to help him develop his artwork and pursue burgeoning interests in architecture.
At 13 he began screenwriting, lighting, and editing classes on Saturdays at Detroit's Center for Creative Communications, to further his growing interest in the cinematic arts.
At the age of 17, a class project in Economics demanded that each student develop a project that was to be an indicator of their life's goal. This project was to be pitched to the class for a venture capital investment. It was during the research and development of this pitch that C.F. first conceived the idea of owning an Entertainment Production company.
This company would be embodied within a brick and mortar development (his first inkling of an idea to pursue ownership of Real Estate) which would house facilities to develop music, television, and film projects. The multi-layered plan was so well developed that it inspired an hour-long after-school conversation with the teacher to see if it had somehow been plagiarized.
After hearing about the real-life developmental experience of a young C.F., and how he attended classes 6 days a week which contributed to his vision, he immediately received an A for the project and the encouragement of the teacher to make the dream a reality...
Only NOW does that dream come to fruition!
But he was only scraping the surface of what the company had the possibility of becoming since this happened during the years prior to the World Wide Web! Today... the possibilities are limitless!
Featured Products
What's Hot with Yoriche...
We won't attempt to give a FULL Product listing on this small site, because that what this unit was meant for. However, we would be happy to introduce you to a few items that will assist you in getting better acquainted with our work as well as a small snapshot into what is to come.
The Digital Consult
Our Solution for assisting inquisitive Entrepreneurial Minds by providing Basic & General Information and simple revenue strategies to get you started.
C.F. Hutton Speaks
The Video Podcast
Having been on the schedule for launch for quite some time, we are finally ready to release a Video Podcast narrated by our CEO which will feature some of his Wild Stories, Business insights, as well as Social Commentary. Get to know him as we launch the show THIS SUMMER of 2022.
Strategic Revenue Plans
Whether paired with a Digital Consult or marketed as a stand-alone whitepaper product, our Strategic Revenue Plans are meant to provide a "here and now" solution to get you going along on the revenue generative path!

Coming Soon!
Coming Soon with a NEW Strategic Plan for RE Development

The Future is NOW!
Coming Soon...
Teach a Man to feed the village and he will never have to worry about his family eating!

In Development...
Always working
We're always working on expanding our reach via our internal projects. Do we speak about them all? NEVER!
Got Something to Ask of Us?
Drop Us a Line...
Use the form to send us a quick message if you need a FAST ANSWER.
If you require a more elaborate conversation... No Worries. We can schedule a Consultation.
Please keep in mind that ALL Phone or Face-to-Face Conversations are PAID Consultations.
We create Digital Consultations to address commonly asked questions and/or to address problems we've come across that we believe we have a solution for. These are also PAID Consultations; however, they may be considerably more affordable should they fit your interests.